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It's All Over

This year has been a total rollercoaster. And not one of those easy rollercoasters where it maybe has like one loop and a steep drop. No. This rollercoaster had too many loops, a bunch of steep drops, a few sudden stops, and upside-down riding. A rollercoaster where you lose your hat, wallet, phone, end up throwing up on some poor guy, but you get off with a hangover feeling and a sense of satisfaction. That was how this year has gone. We started off last year with no real measurements, and no idea about what we were doing. Somehow, we still ended up being able to get at least something done. Thanks to Luis De La Rosa, Devon Mosley, and Melany Cervantes, we were able to create the Hot Box and the main Guard Tower. The first few months of the beginning of the school year was mainly just getting prepared and creating our foundations of the project. Foundations included communicating with project partners, planning our trip to see the prison, and finding the basis of the how the VR environment will look like. As we moved along, we all got better with our jobs, and smoothed down the bumps and rough parts. We started to talk more with each other about what we needed, and communicate and understand what we needed from our outside sources, and what they needed from us.

Sometime after winter break, we found ourselves behind in our work. The guys from Lucid Dream came in every day to keep us on track and equally spread out the work between the members. Those who normally only do one job ventured out of their comfort zone to do things that they didn't like nor were they good at (I'm talking about myself being forced to 3D model buildings and things to go in the Museum). That week also happened to be a week were we didn't go to school most of the week due to the fact that it was snowing that week and school was out. Once we came back to school, we did eventually get everything done super fast, and it was awesome. After that, it was a breeze. We were communicating our needs easier, and we could get things done easier. We were able to finish the past scene super easily, and then start on the future scene with a lazy mind. The future scene was basically just taking the past scene and making it look pretty. There were maybe a few buildings that needed fixing modeling-wise, but Devon was on it. We finished the project with a few weeks to spare. Everyone was so happy with the entire project, and it was beautiful. I mean, just perfect. I am so happy that we did this project, and I'm even more happy that we finished it on time. I'm going to miss everyone. I really will. I hope our project baby goes on to better places, and that we actually get credit for this project. I'm going to be so angry if we don't get credit for this project. This project is OURS. And I love it.

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