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This past week for two days we went to ECGC (East Coast Gaming Conference) as a class in order to further our look and knowledge in the game industry. During this I focused on the VR aspect of games and the game industry. This was a very interesting thing to follow through the conference. I really took a lot from the VR talk with Unreal Engine 4. During this talk I learned a lot about the things in which UE4 can give you to work with. It can be set to an overall setting of mobile, or desktop VR. This allows you to program for the Vive and in a simple click of a button switch over to working for the Rift. This setting can be really helpful if you want to have the game start on the Vive but in the end you want it to also be put out on the Rift. That setting works the same way for the mobile production. However you cannot switch from mobile production to desktop. This is a decision which must be made before you begin designing for the game. This makes having only an HTC Vive but wanting to also look at using it on the Rift a very possible option because you can simply change what you're building it out for and UE4 does the needed adjustments for you. UE4 also provides you with vetted resources which take submission and review before being allowed into the Store for use. This provides you with things for use in your game, some free resources as well as some resources for cost. UE4 also allows you to build games with little to no programing knowledge. This is due to something called blueprinting which uses many of the tools which are pre-made inside of UE4 and combining some of the things inside of the inspector like menu you might see from Unity. UE4 is something I will be looking at getting to know so that I might be able to begin learning about it before I go off to college to learn game design and programming.

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