It's All Over
This year has been a total rollercoaster. And not one of those easy rollercoasters where it maybe has like one loop and a steep drop. No....
End of the Project
I'm glad with how the project turned out and especially glad that it is going into a more professional group's hands because the reason...
Packing up
This year has been a great learning experience for all of us. I have been able to learn more about my team members and how to use...
Wrapping Up!
With the end of last week, we've finally finished wrapping up the project and there is minimal work left to be done. It was a rough ride...

Student Presentation Night
On May 10, all the students working on the project presented for teachers, families, and partners who worked with us on the project. The...
Game Night Demo
Earlier today, eighth and ninth grade students were given the opportunity to experience Virtual Reality. Students switched between...

Buildings Look Like Buildings Now
Melany, our texturer, has finally finished texturing a few of our finished buildings! These buildings will be put into Unity so that you...

CTE Director Visit
Today, Rick Sheldahl, the director of all CTE courses in Durham Public Schools, came to visit the Advanced Studies class. He checked out...

Our equipment has arrived! We are so excited to have our awesome Lenovo Y700-Desktop PC that we use for Unity development, and to plug in...

State Farm Youth Advisory Board Grant Check
On Tuesday, October 18, representatives from State Farm presented our team from DSA with a ceremonial check for the VR project. The...