Inside Scoop: Substance Painter

Hi There! I'm here to tell you about Substance Painter, the wonderful application that I, the texture artist of the group, am using for this big project. Substance Painter (SP) works a lot like Adobe Photoshop, it just has more art based tools and settings to create a highly realistic texture to slap onto a 3D Model. SP helps create textures with brushes, masks, and particles. It also renders and exports easily to game engines and portfolio sites which is very helpful for this time based VR presentation. Textures created from SP are easily tweakable in other compatible tools such as Photoshop, Are 100x smaller texture files for faster downloads and faster starts, and enables runtime texture modifications which goes for ALL Allegorithmic tools. As a person who considers creating textures for a career, I adore SP because it makes my job easier and more efficient, though I'd only use substance painter once I have a basic-intermediate level understanding of Photoshop or Gimp (a free art program)